Enterprise digital intelligence
"5G+ Industrial Internet",The industrial Internet is empowered with 5G, which gives the industrial scene the characteristics of high reliability, low delay and anti-interference, and promotes the transformation of industrial manufacturing to industrial "intelligent" manufacturing.
In recent years, focusing on the main line of intelligent transformation and digital transformation, Huaxing Cable has successfully deployed MES(manufacturing execution system) and ERP (enterprise resource planning system) for the production line, and has realized the optimization of key environments such as order driving, planning and scheduling, material invocation, and financial management, and has phased in the realization of "technology empowerment, enterprise intelligence, and product valuation". Focusing on the cable industry, the company will further strengthen the application of the industrial Internet, open up the whole industrial chain and the whole value chain, promote digitalization, networking and intelligence, and optimize the intelligent digital road.
Production order progress report
This report is for the production manager to know the production progress of each production order.  Include: production order number;  The completion of each process;  Production completion and warehouse entry data;  Production completed, inspected, not entered the warehouse data, production completed and not inspected data.
Product Inspection Report
This report shows the inspection statistics of finished products, semi-finished products and raw materials. Number of completed pieces how many pieces have been inspected and how many pieces remain to be inspected; Quantity of raw materials arrived, inspected and uninspected.
Product bar code
All raw materials and products should be labeled with bar codes. We carry out material in and out of the warehouse and production line, product completion, product inspection, product delivery, product return, product quality traceability and other work.
Handheld mobile terminal
We use the handheld mobile app to scan the bar code labels on the goods for material entry and exit from the warehouse, and record the working conditions of the uploaded workers.
Weighing data acquisition intelligent device
Workers weigh the products themselves, scan the bar code labels, and upload the data to the network system; Upload data including: tag number, weight, job number, time, product model.
System background data - worker work record
This record data includes: production order, individual product specific completion work time, product name and model, barcode serial number, worker number, name, quantity, etc.
Product inspection process
Product inspection can trace the person in charge of each production link and production data, inspection data, material name and model, supplier company, etc.